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Tag Archives: Bill Finger
Episode 27: December 1940, Part 2

Michael Bradley and Michael Kaiser tackle part 2 of December 1940, and wrap up another year in the process! This time Batman takes on criminals with an overly convoluted scheme to rob a gold vault in Kentucky in Detective Comics #48. Continue reading
Posted in Episodes
Tagged Batman, Batmobile, Batplane, Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Bruce Wayne, Detective Comics, George Roussos, Golden Age, Gotham City, Jerry Robinson, Podcast, Robin
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Episode 26: December 1940, Part 1

The Batman’s crusade on crime must be going pretty good because, this time out, he tackles a new problem: Family relations! Michael K. and Michael B. take a look at DETECTIVE COMICS #47 where the Dark Knight tries to teach parents the valuable lesson that money can’t buy happiness! Continue reading
Posted in Episodes
Tagged Batman, Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Bruce Wayne, Detective Comics, Dick Grayson, George Roussos, Golden Age, Jerry Robinson, Podcast, Robin
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Episode 25: November 1940

The two Michaels move forward in their quest to cover all things Batman by taking a look at his adventures in November of 1940, which is back to one book, Detective Comics #46, where Batman and Robin face the return of a thought dead villain, Hugo Strange, who tries to infect their city with a deadly fear toxin in the case of “Professor Strange’s Fear Dust.” Continue reading
Posted in Episodes
Tagged Batman, Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Detective Comics, George Roussos, Golden Age, Hugo Strange, Jerry Robinson, Podcast, Robin
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Episode 24: October 1940, Part 5

That felonious female fiend, the Cat, returns to vex the Dynamic Duo as Michael K. and Michael B. put the finishing touches on their look at BATMAN #3. A daring jewel heist gets the Batman on the trail of the Cat and a much larger conspiracy in “The Batman vs. the Cat-woman!” Plus, because you demanded it, this episode features a special return of Legends of the Batman Theatre with “The Batman Says!” Continue reading
Posted in Episodes
Tagged Batman, Batman (comic), Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Bruce Wayne, Catwoman, Commissioner Gordon, Dick Grayson, Geoge Roussos, Jerry Robinson, Robin
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Episode 23: October 1940, Part 4

Michael B. and Michael K. continue their coverage of BATMAN #3, as Batman and Robin take on the seedy underbelly of a criminal organization composed of…children? That’s right, it’s their most juvenile adventure yet as the Dynamic Duo tackle the case of “The Crime School for Boys!” Continue reading
Posted in Episodes
Tagged Batman, Batman (comic), Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Bruce Wayne, Detective Comics, Dick Grayson, George Roussos, Golden Age, Jerry Robinson, Podcast
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Episode 22: October 1940, Part 3

Michael K. and Michael B. continue their coverage of BATMAN #3, which finds the Batman falling head-first into action and mystery when a strange plague newspapers dub “the Ghastly Change” pours over the city. The Dynamic Duo of the Batman and Robin must them go into action and confront the crafty brain behind the sinister sickness: “The Ugliest Man in the World!” Continue reading
Posted in Episodes
Tagged Batman, Batman (comic), Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Bruce Wayne, Detective McGonigle, Dick Grayson, George Roussos, Golden Age, Jerry Robinson, Podcast, Robin
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Episode 21: October 1940, Part 2

Michael B. and Michael K. continue their coverage of Batman material released in October of 1940, this time taking a look at the first story from BATMAN #3, where the Caped Crusader finds his strings being pulled as he is manipulated and mind controlled in “The Strange Case of the Diabolical Puppet Master!” Continue reading
Posted in Episodes
Tagged Batman, Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Bruce Wayne, Detective Comics, Dick Grayson, F. Whitney Ellsworth, Golden Age, Podcast, Robin
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Episode 20: October 1940, Part 1

The show is back and, with this episode, so is the awesome! Michael K. and Michael B. look at the Batman story from DETECTIVE COMICS #45, which features an old school (mostly solo) Batman story that finds the Dark Knight taking on the returning menace of that Harlequin of Hate the Joker as he tries to solve “The Case of the Laughing Death!” Continue reading
Posted in Episodes
Tagged Batman, Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Bruce Wayne, Detective Comics, Dick Grayson, F. Whitney Ellsworth, George Roussos, Golden Age, Jerry Robinson, Joker, Podcast, Robin
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Episode 19: September 1940

“Guess who just got back today… them wild-eyed boys that had been away. Haven’t changed, haven’t much to say. But man, I still think them cats are crazy.” That’s right, folks! Michael Kaiser and Michael Bradley are back with a brand new episode! After catching up on why they left, where they’ve been and all the news that’s happened in the interim, the guys dive into DETECTIVE COMICS #44, which find the Batman and Robin crossing paths with giants and elves as they enter “The Land Behind the Light!” Continue reading
Posted in Episodes
Tagged Batman, Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Bruce Wayne, Detective Comics, Dick Grayson, F. Whitney Ellsworth, George Roussos, Golden Age, Jerry Robinson, Podcast, Robin
Episode 18: August 1940

This episode Michael Kaiser and Michael Bradley take on all Batman material released in August of 1940, where they find Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson attempting to take a much needed vacation, but instead are forced to rescue a town from corruption in DETECTIVE COMICS #43. Continue reading
Posted in Episodes
Tagged Batman, Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Bruce Wayne, Detective Comics, Dick Grayson, F. Whitney Ellsworth, Golden Age, Jerry Robinson, Podcast, Robin
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